
Detroit Evaluations

Page history last edited by Jared 13 years, 2 months ago

Based on Assignment Description for Project 4, your task as a class is to use Detroit as a test case, and to: 

1)  pitch 4 suitable topics for an evaluation argument paper

2) to refine these to 4 manageable "project planning guides" that include to draft of a sample introduction

3) and to present these 4 options on a "CLASS WIKI" that offers the most helpful guide to creating evaluation arguments about aspects concerning Detroit. 


The winning class will replace the image on other two classes wiki frontpage with the following:


Dear Section X, purveyor of decent of work suitable for the rest,

please never forget 

section X was crowned:

Section ?  The Best 1020 Class of All-Time

Your Guide to Creating the Best Evaluations of Detroit:

The class will be split into four groups.  

Each team will pick a team name, find a topic, build a planning guide for that topic, show us what a tentative thesis might look like, peer review another team's plan, and design a wiki page.    


Step one: Pick a Team Name 

Step two:  Select a suitable topic 

Step Three: Create a Planning Guide


Step Four:  Evaluating each-other's planning guides and intro paragraphs

Step Five: Designing One Detroit Evaluation Wiki 

Step Six: WINNING!





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